Tuesday, September 15, 2020

After 9 months of hiatus


Hiks. It's been a long time since I popped up here. Well, so many things happened in 2020. With COVID-19 and all. I'm surprised that I didn’t blog even during the MCO time. Well, to be fair, I was still working from home at that time. Haha.

So many things to update!

Early 2020, my best friend got married! Ah, the feeling when she got married was quite mixed. I was sad to let her go but then again, she married my husband's friend too, so she's not going to go anywhere far haha. We'll still get to hang out and yeah, so far so good. Alhamdulillah.

Then, work. Well, nothing changes much anyway. During MCO thing, it was a bit chill and especially when construction got affected quite a lot by this COVID-19 thing, our work has reduced its capacity by quite a lot.

Had a good Ramadhan this year and Eid too. Well, got to spend first Raya with hubby so it's good. :D

I want to share big news, haha but I'm scared. Just like how I'm scared to post photos on my social media. Oh well, I hope everything will go smoothly. 

Will write more soon!

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