Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What mum said a year ago

I had a long day at uni today, 9 am till 9 pm, I barely eat, so I was hungry and tired and needed some rest tonight but His plan was different. He kept on testing my patience and perseverance with one and one thing, it kept on coming and coming that I had to tell Mum about it, had to ask for Mum advice on how to handle it.

She gave me an advice,

"Do it sincerely, if God wills, God will replace your time that you sacrifice for something more worthy, inshaAllah."

I am just hopeful that soon enough, I'll get the strength to pull through whatever is lying in front of me.


This was written on April 8, 2016. I won't write much of the details of what happened but this advice cured my troubling heart at that moment, and it still does, as of today :) All praise to God.


  1. I am pretty sure that you know how to handle this, Sab. Stay strong and positive :) Treat yourself and find reason to smile. Dont stay hungry, it makes you grumpy. hihi.

    Goodluck with assignment!

    1. Hello, thank you 'anonymous', whoever you may be :D for the support. I hope things are goingn well for youu too :)
