Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Voices under shelters

Hi there :)
So, here's a piece of thoughts written by a good friend of mine. She is an amazing girl with lots of inspiring stories. A precious jewel in Melbourne I can say.

Well, I don't know how this guest blogger thing actually works so haha forgive me for my incompetence.

Anyway, I present you; 

I couldn't sleep well last night. Perhaps due to pre-exam anxiety before this morning which I hope it went well inshaAllah.

I rarely sleep in my bedroom as I really prefer to have my own space outside. And my roommates usually study in the room, so it gets a bit noisy and yeah, haha basically the unpleasant feeling an introvert normally experiences. Sorry! But last night, one of my roommates wanted to study in the common room, so I chose to sleep in the room as she normally regurgitates what she studies out loud (sorry if I'm portraying this as if it gets on my nerves, haha. It's not like that though)

Anyway. as usual, I found it hard to fall asleep. So, last night, I happened to listen to a talk by Sheikh Yahya Rhodus about purification of the soul, which was very calming.

I think I fell asleep before the lecture ended, but I found myself awake at 1.03 a.m. And it was because of a conversation I overheard.

I noticed that lately, there are a few homeless people at Carlton. Well, it's not that many as compared to the city, but the fact that Carlton is a suburb which is generally inhabited by upper-middle class family especially near Lygon St, thus, I found it peculiar. One person is staying directly next to the entrance of the apartment I'm living at and the other is staying across the street, by which I can see directly from the window.

As it was fairly quiet at that time, I could hear the conversation clearly. And the guys spoke loudly to each other too.

" How are you, mate? You good?"

"Yeah I am. How're you?"

"Yeah yeah, you got everything? You cold? You got food?"

"Yeah, I got food, thanks mate, for asking. I hope you're alright. Sorry I got nothing to offer. "

"Don't worry mate, I got your back"

Ya Allah, I have no idea how to describe my feelings at that time. I've never seen them at their 'homes' as they aren't usually there during the day. But there I was, on my bed, reflecting on how blessed I am to be living in a house filled with warmth and needs which are more than enough most of the times.

Apa aku dah buat nak tolong orang?

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