Friday, March 3, 2017

begin again

circa 2014

in the name of Allah

five years ago,
I have made a very big decision
many people told me it was stupid
but many said it was brilliant as well

I hope, no, I pray, it was the best
praises to Allah
until today,
I have not changed my mind
I still managed to keep to my promise
even though is it getting harder
but good things are worth fighting

I have to admit
those five years
I sometimes thought of it
it sometimes came and said hi
it was always hard to say bye
instead of saying hi back
but I have managed
and I hope
I really pray

this is the best
it was the best
and it will still be the best decision

not yet am I ready to begin again
not yet

may Allah bless you
may Allah bless us all

wrote this 3 years ago and the feeling is still there.
this is still valid