Monday, October 19, 2015

Jangan, jangan putus asa

mula 2014 19102015


Hi semua. Apa khabar? (: Pelik kan entri kali ini dalam Bahasa Melayu. *kalau berdasarkan entri-entri sebelum inilah* tapi tolonglah bersabar, penulis hanya ingin memastikan penggunaan Bahasa Melayu ini masih boleh dikuasai dengan baik.
Kehkehkeh. Okay, BM formal bunyi kelakar bila baca balik. Hahaha. Apa-apa pun mari kita teruskan dengan agenda entri kali ini! *entri bunyi pelik weh HAHA macam main polis entri tu ha haha*

Jadi, kalau anda boleh baca berdasarkan tajuk saya di atas itu, jelaslah kan saya nak cakap pasal jangan berputus asa kan huhuhu. Sebabnya kalau baca entri sebelum ini kan, nampak sangatlah kan tgh emosional tahap tujuh juta kilowatt. Aku Saya *ye tengah cuba jadi baik sikit ni haha* emosi sikit sebab penat sebenarnya sebab baru habis buat program pastu kena buat kerja sekolah *assignment dalam BM apa? Hahaha GAGAL sab!*

Walau bagaimanapun, tidaklah saya berniat nak merungut mahupun merengek terkinja-kinja kegedikan di sini, saya hanya ingin kongsikan tentang apa yang berlaku kepada saya malam itu *semalam padahalnya haha*. Jadi saya kan tengah stress-stress campur penat lapar blablabla kan, saya terlewat la sikit nak solat Maghrib sebab terkalut buat benda lain. Nak dekat pukul 8 baru solat Maghrib *astagfirullah sister, apa ni* so haha tengah-tengah Isyak nak masuk dah lagi 20 minit camtu, saya pun macam “k sab, apa kata jadi baik sikit, gi baca Quran huhu”

Belek Quran tanpa kisah surah apa, saya pun bacalah. Dalam dua muka surat je sebab tak rajin sangat hoho. Cuma, sempatlah baca terjemahan. Baca punya baca pastu terbaca terjemahan yang ni,

Dan Kami tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya; dan di sisi Kami ada sebuah Kitab (suratan amal) yang menyatakan segala-galanya dengan benar, sedang mereka tidak dianiaya. (Al-Mukminun, 23:62)

Ayat ini buat saya tersentak sekejap. Sebab? Sebab saya tengah mengeluh dan tengah rasa tak semangat langsung masa tu. “……..kami tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya…” Allah dah janji dah Dia takkan bagi kita apa yang kita tak boleh tanggung. Menariknya bagi saya adalah saya selalu dengar pasal ni; Allah bagi apa-apa kepada kita mengikut kemampuan kita. Tapi selalunya orang kaitkan dengan surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286.

Terpempanlah sekejap sebab dua kali *entah-entah lebih, saya je takde ilmu :(* Allah ingatkan dalam Quran pasal benda ni dan saya ni duk blurr blurr mengeluh sana mengeluh sini. Cuma tak sempat lagi nak baca tafsir ayat ni betul-betul, rasa macam ada cerita menarik ni. Harap-harap diberi kelapangan masa dan peluang nanti. (:

Apa-apa pun, betullah orang kata. Kamu jaga Quran, Quran jaga kamu. Kamu jaga Allah, Allah jaga kamu. Mama pun selalu pesan, “Jangan lupa bangun solat Tahajjud dan solat Dhuha macam mana sibuk pun.”

Dah tiba masanya kot nak kena hargai benda yang ada depan mata betul-betul. Dan dah tiba masanya nak buang benda lagha dan sikap endah tak endah tu dan kena mula cari kefahaman dalam setiap ilmu tu.

Moral cerita ini? Baca Quran kalau tengah stress, jangan lari daripada masalah. Allah tu ada dengan kau, kau je yang buat-buat tak Nampak #notauntukdirisendiri

Salam sayang daripada saya.

Moga kamu sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah (:

tamat: 2041 19102015

Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan?

 p/s: patutlah kena buat laporan dlm BM haritu
 rasa seksa sangat haha

Sunday, October 18, 2015


start: 1552 18102015

I’m procrastinating right now. I should be doing my assignment that is due tomorrow but somehow I can't stop thinking about a few things. So, I think it is best for me to write out a few things.

The truth is I am scared. Of so many things. I can feel that I am walking not in the right direction anymore, I might have u-turn-ed a little bit somewhere somehow.

And I am feeling a little bit sad. So many things happening that I am feeling sad. I guessed I haven’t overcome a few sad occasions that occurred to me recently. I haven’t had a good cry for myself and I can’t see any time in coming week to do that.

I am tired, tired with all the accusations from people. Or maybe I am thinking too much. I don’t know. I am just, I don’t know. Everything I do, seems so wrong.

Okay, I should stop now.

End: 1607 18102015

p/s: I didn’t feel any better
At all

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Of 21-st birthday celebration

start: 0245 111012015


Alhamdulillah I was given the opportunity to be 21 (: Alhamdulillah for 21 years of blessed life. I was so blessed to have loving family, great friends and so many more that if I list them down, I won’t have time to talk about other stuffs huhu.

**background plays -- All I Want – Kodaline**

What initiated this blog post was when my friend said this to me,

“Sab, kawan-kawan kau best lah sab! Bertuahnya kau.”

And her words got me startled for a bit.

Last night, we had a simple celebration but I enjoyed till the very last bit of it. It was just a dinner together and an hour of watching fireworks and lepak-ing. But it was enough for me,really. Many people might not know this but I am that kind of people who recognized small little things and appreciate thoughts more than materials. I was not really into fancy stuffs, so having dinner with friends and spending time together for a while was enough for me.

Then again, she reminded me of how I should really be thankful with my friends here in Sydney. Allah planned the best for me since I came to Sydney alone with nobody I knew and He guided me to meet these beautiful souls and made them my friends  (: I have friends who are willing to go find cake for me even though it was a last minute plan, who gather up others to celebrate my birthday though having pile of assignments to do, who still spend time watching fireworks with me even though they are tired from futsal in the morning, who really tried to cheer me up for the whole day, who try to make me feel special and appreciated, who still come all the way from a long journey just to say Happy Birthday to me and not to forget those that are miles away, still remembers me. Really, I am so happy to known these amazing people in my life.

I’d really don’t want to brag but I have great company here haha and pretty much everywhere else haha. I really hope I can be their best buddies that I can be there for them every time they needed company. 

For my birthday, I initially planned for a low-profile-chilling birthday celebration given the circumstances everyone is busy since exam is in a month but I guessed the plan failed. Haha. Had a good night actually.  For more pictures, please check out my Instagram or vsco. Huhu.

“So, what do you feel now that you are 21?”

HAPPY and TRULY BLESSED. I don’t really know what to say. Being 21 allows me to do so many other things. But yeah, I keep on thinking about responsibilities as well. As you aged, you need to have more knowledge, be more responsible, more mature, more sincere, wiser, etc. I really hope my 21 years of blessed life before this were not wasted with too many unnecessary stuffs. Hm. Besides for the fact we already got the certificate for pre-marital course and can proceed to other stuffs like sending application to JPA to get married ahhahaha. Okay, no, not yet. Got plenty of room to improve myself. So, not yet. LOL.

Okay, back to the topic, hihi.

“Having a few friends is enough, as long you know who your friends are.”

Sometimes, I am a little bit jealous with people who know a lot of people, who has a lot of friends but then again I give a thought back and yeah, how many would really spend time for you and be there when you needed company the most? Mama and abah, they don’t really have a lot of friends. When we organised a feast or any ‘kenduri’, I’ll be seeing the same faces, a few same faces. And both my parents they don’t really hang out with friends, they spend time together but only with a few that I recognised for so long as I can remember. Back then, I can’t understand when my mum told me she doesn’t have a lot friends. I mean, she lived for 40 years, how could she don’t have friends. But now I think I got it. Being an acquaintance is not the same as being a friend. So I guess the idea is to keep your circle of friends small. Because these friendships, they should really be taken care of and if you are not naturally a –people-person *like me* then, you should really be careful not to get too excited in getting a long list of friends, without trying to be a good friend.

Your friend is the reflection of who you are. I really like this statement actually since you can look who you are from you friends, from who you spend time with, talk to, hang out with etc. Personally for me, I’ve got plenty of good friends. I can see how kind and sincere my friends are; I hope I can give the same reflection for them. Of how they reflect myself is important but what’s more important is that whether I’ve done a good job in reflecting themselves.

**Sparks - Coldplay**

I remembered watching Nouman Ali Khan’s video last year, he talked about types of friends mentioned in the Quran. There are 10 types of them. He listed down all 10 and briefly described what situation and so forth. You should really go check that out but what caught my mind was that, “Don’t get excited categorising your friends but rather focus on what kind of friend you should be.”

I guess what matters most is yourself. If your inner self is good, inshaAllah you’ll display a good physical appearance as well as good personality. I hope we’ll get to know better of ourselves and know where to improve ourselves. May all of us can be a good friend. (:

Finally, to end this post, lets try our best to be a better friend to our friends? Together? *smiles*


** High Hopes – Kodaline **

ended: 0356 11102015

p/s: maybe the idea is to be content with you life