Monday, July 13, 2015

Personal Statement for UCAS

Start: 13072015 0011

Hello there,

Tonight I’m having this sudden interest in sharing my experience of making a personal statement for UCAS! Yeay. Note that to apply to universities in UK through UCAS, you’ll have to send a personal statement stating what you love, who you are, your inspiration etc. After applying, the universities would consider you, and offer you a place if they’re interested with you. Of course, they’ll looked at your results, that’s definite but a personal statement is like the only way to express yourself to the admission staff.

Well, couple of days ago, my sister are asking me whether I want to sell my A-Level books or not. Since she’s now studying in Kolej MARA Seremban (KMS), she now has a lot of friends taking A-Level hence I’m so gonna have a lot of potential buyers. So, as I was going through my pile of books in the boxes *seriously there are so many notes from A-Level, I loved them that’s why I still keep them :)* , I found my drafts for my personal statement (PS). There are exactly 5 of them. Yeah, I know right. It took me 5 times to rewrite my PS to get it right.

So, my first draft is horrible. I’ve got scribblings all over the places. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, I’ve got this lovely Ms Tay to help me with my PS. Lucky for me, she’s a Thinking Skills lecturer. So I can really say having her as my mentor surely helped me a lot, I mean come on, ‘dissecting’ an article would be her forte. So, that is basically why I had so so many marking in my PS. Haha. Moreover, my writing skills are not that good, so she totally corrected me while making sure that the PS is still originally from me.

Anyway, the thing is to write a good PS, you have to recheck your work. You have to really make sure that your arguments are not flawed. It is normal to rewrite PS for several times. And having a good mentor or somebody to check your PS, is really important. Since PS is the only way for you to tell the universities you are applying to about how passionate you are, what you’ve achieved so far etc.

I managed to get conditional offers from Manchester, Bristol and Sheffield universities. I also managed to get an interview from Imperial College London (ICL) *which I forgot to do since I was busy settling my preparations to Sydney*. So, I think my PS is quite a success.

Anyway, it was a good experience to write a PS. Since you have to really reflect know yourself, 
know your limits, your desire and many more! Yeah, you can write crap and lies all the way just to make sure you look interesting, but to what extent can you lie to yourself? And not to forget, writing this PS helped me to realize the differences – more like potentials actually, that I have, which are not typical, making me realize how special I am.

That's all from me. If you want some help in writing a PS, I’ll be very delighted to give you some help. Just keep in touch and we’ll see how it goes.

Till then, goodnight.

end : 13072015 0036

p/s : Alhamdulillah for the results (;

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