Monday, October 6, 2014


In the name of Allah

since that day, I promised myself not to anymore.
and as day passed by,
sometimes the thoughts of doing it again comes by
and as usual
I'll let it pass
by lying to myself
that I won't fall for this trap
that I am not going to follow the trend

and as I go along
friends keep telling me
"you're heartless"
"you're insensitive"
"you're strong"
and somehow, I chewed all of them
and I have to admit,
I am becoming like they said
and I hate it more than ever

when you're heartless
maybe your heart won't feel anything when you sin
maybe you'll be ignorant when you see other muslims are being oppressed
maybe you'll be as brave as ever when do wrong things
maybe you'll stick with your thoughts though it's wrong
maybe it takes lotsa lotsa force from wise people to tickle your 'strong' heart

those maybe thoughts are especially mind-disturbing
it won't happen to me

p/s:I'm glad to see your writings
gave me hope

Friday, June 13, 2014

I won't hesitate, this cannot wait

In the name of Allah

to change for better is never a crime

and usually a crime is easy to do for someone with evil heart
and it is hard for people with good heart

if you say that changing for better is hard,
it is like doing telling you not to do any crime
while you're having a bad heart

i don't think you have bad heart
nor evil heart
it just that something has contaminated your pure good heart

so maybe to take it off from your heart is gonna takes some effort from you
just like removing stains from your shirts
some stains are easier to be removed, 
only require normal detergent
some is really tough to be removed
like the oil, or the paint
maybe require clorox 
or even multiple washing

just like our heart
no, most of our time
our heart is stained with our sins
day by day
time passing by
unless we reflect and start washing them off
we will, not realized that our heart has become too deep
too black
too dirty
then it will become harder to be clean again
*HARDER* not impossible

hence, no worries
it is never too late to change for better

you have your own struggle
i have mine
don't say that religious pious people are having easy life
because they have pure heart
don't say that
'cause you never know what they're battling with

be thankful
be strong
have faith
have courage
stay determined
stay positive
may Allah bless you
may Allah bless you


p/s: listening to Raef's songs
cool, he changed the lyrics,
made you remember Allah while listening to him

Saturday, March 15, 2014


In the name of Allah

di bumi ini aku mencari
meskipun sudah di tanah yang lain
pencarian masih diteruskan

bukan bukan
tidak sama sekali
bukan mencari yang itu
tapi mencari yang satu

acap sebenarnya kalah dengan ego
tewas dengan nafsu
lemah dengan godaan
lalai dengan alasan

tapi sampai bila?
bila noktahnya
mana hujungnya
bagaimana akhirnya

setiap sesuatu ada permulaan
kecil besar tidak penting
biar bermula
ada mulanya


marilah sahabat sayang,
mari kita mula
bukan nanti

mula sekarang


At times, when stranger becomes too kind to you, you will start questioning what happen to family and friends.
Just to realize, all of them started as strangers as well.


Aku undur diri daripada permainan ni. Dah penat. Aku minta maaf.
Ini hujungnya, insyaAllah.

*credit to UNSW wifi*

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sydney, here we go.

In the name of Allah

Di Bumi Allah aku mencari

Alhamdulillah dah masuk hari ke enam di Sydney, Australia. Bersyukur sangat dah boleh settle down kat sini. Walaupun call rumah hampir setiap hari. HAHA.

*ehhh abah kata kena guna English*

My uni for the next 4 years
Okay, so how am I doing?
Alhamdulillah, very good. *since classes hasn’t started* I really have no idea of what’s coming next. Hopefully I can bear with them peacefully. Yeah, I haven’t done any revision, at all. Need to do some exercises I supposed? Or is it too hardworking or too nerdy? HAHA

Yeah, I just got back from grocery shopping and it is quite nice *apart from the time when you have to be very particular about the price because you have restricted amount of money* but the choices are okay. Here, they even have self-pay counter where there isn’t any cashier and you can just Py by yourself, how cool is that? Hehe

It is quite nice coming here, no regrets yet. Nope, not yet. Hopefully never will because whatever happens is His greatest plans. *peace yo!*

Met with wonderful sisters as well. Very welcoming and they helped me through this very well.
So, let the journey in Sydney begins!

Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim, may Allah ease and may Allah bless!

So checklist?
Checked (:

                                                                                p/s: Haritu naik flight kena duduk tgh2 antara dua lelaki,
 nak pengsan aku rasa
8 jam k flight tuuu

Nasib nasib

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In the name of Allah

hati mula terasa sunyi
terasa kehilangan
resah sudah mula bertapak
mencari-cari hati ini dengan ligat

ketuk pintu
tanyakan khabar
tiada bersuara
aku mula gentar
ke manakah perginya suara yang selalu ada itu?

terkadang nampak
terkadang hilang
macam chipsmore
cuma biksut itu
kalau tiada boleh dibeli
boleh dicari ganti
tapi kau
hanya satu
tiada bandingan

kaki mula ringan
kepala terasa ringan
mungkin semakin hampir
mungkin tidak
perjalanan beribu batu
jutaan barangkali
kau mungkin sudah bukan kau lagi

tak tahu
biar hati menentukan
semoga satu yang kekal
meski kau berubah
biar hati
hati yang ada DIA
yang penuh cinta kepadaNya

jarak memisahkan
masa juga sama

berdoalah sayang
berdoa semoga kau masih bersamaNya
berdoa agar kita masih sama
doa kepadaNya


*uhuk uhuk uhuk*
berhabuk blog ni, cukup sebulan tak ber'update'
mudah-mudahan lepas ni laju tangan ni menaip
sebab selalu idea ada, tapi selalu bertangguh nak tulis. hihi
mana ada yang tiada flaws

salam tengah hari semua.
jangan lupa solat Zuhur :)

p/s: majalah Gen Q ni best sebenarnya